Numbers To Call In The Event Of An Emergency In the event of an extreme claim emergency, please call us on 053 9123122. If you experience a claim over Christmas you can register it here. All other phone numbers Breakdown Number MIS 01 8044328 Zurich 1890 208 408 Allianz 1890 779 999 Axa 1890 247 Read more…
Christmas Opening Hours
Wishing You & Your Family A Very Merry Christmas
Check On Your Elderly Neighbours
Don’t Forget Your Elderly Neighbours This Christmas It’s only a few days until Christmas and we are very excited to spend time with our friends and family. We can get so caught up in our own lives, worrying about presents, food and the kids. It could be great if we spend a little bit of time ensuring that our Read more…
‘What To Do’ Guide For Christmas Claims 2015
If You Suffer An Accident Or Damages Over Christmas, Colette Has A Quick ‘What To Do’ Guide…. If you suffer an accident or damages over Christmas, don’t panic. You can register a claim online here or call me when our offices re-open on Wednesday 30th December. Here are some key points to consider should you have an accident or Read more…
Think Home Security This Winter
Helpful Tips To Prevent Home Burglaries For those of you who have ever had your home broken into, I don’t need to explain how horrible the experience can be for a person or family . Someone rummaging through your belongings and tearing your home apart as they search for money and valuables can make you Read more…
Betty Wins National Customer Service Award
Betty Is On Cloud Nine After Big Win! On Thursday last, Betty scooped the ‘Customer Service Broker of the Year’ award at the annual Irish Broker Awards at the Mansion House in Dublin. These prestigious awards recognise the hard work and dedication of people in the Insurance broker industry. We were thrilled when Betty was announced Read more…
Our Funny Family Car Stories As A Kid
‘That’s It, We’re Turnin’ Around!” There are plenty of funny family car stories flying around the office today. With 60 people working in Sheridans we have some great old family stories. Some of us came from big families so there were always someone causing trouble in the car. From Sick bags to farm animals, I Read more…
Farm Specialist Carmel Talks Farm Safety
Farm Safety Is Very Close To My Heart Farm Safety is very close to my heart as I live on a busy dairy farm. Pat, my husband has been running the farm for over 25 years, taking over from his father who helped out on the farm into his late 80’s. Our son, John who Read more…
Avoid Rats & Mice Getting In To Your Car
Believe Me, This Is The Last Thing You Need This week we are all definitely feeling a chill in the air. I for one have been reaching for the fluffy pajamas in the evening and the heavier jackets in the morning. It won’t be long before mice and rats make an appearance again which can be Read more…
Shortlisted For The IBA Awards 2015
Three People Shortlisted From Sheridan Insurances A big day in the Sheridan Insurances offices last week when three members of our team were shortlisted for the Irish Broker Awards! These prestigious awards are open to Irish Brokers Association member staff with entries judged by an independent panel of judges. They have been shortlisted because they went Read more…
The Budget, What You Need To Know
A Quick Look At What’s Happening In The Budget 2016 All of us have been waiting to hear how the budget is going to effect us and our families. You may have heard Ciarán Sheridan speaking on Beat 102-103 about the budget. As he said, most people are getting something in this budget. Read more…
Sheridan’s Do The Safe Cross Code!
#Video: Watch Our Safe Cross Code Video Road Safety is very close to our hearts in Sheridan Insurances. We all have families; some of us have young children and we use the roads everyday. Roads are a lot busier now compare to when we were kids. We want to make sure that we do everything we Read more…