The 8 Tips of Christmas. Keep Your Family And Home Safe

As the last minute shopping lists are put together, the perfect Christmas trees
are selected and the gatherings are arranged, we can sometimes forget the little
things to ensure we have a safe Christmas as well as a happy one. Here are our 
‘8 Tips of Christmas’ to help make sure your home is safe this holiday season.



 Safety Tips For Christmas

1. Fresh trees are more resistant to ignition so if you are getting a fresh Christmas
     tree, try to keep it watered – it will stay greener for longer! 


2. When putting your lights on your Christmas tree, don’t overload the sockets!


3. Lights should be plugged out if possible at night or put them on a timer. 
    Think about your next electricity bill! 


4. Check the connections on your lights. If you look worn why take the risk? 
   January sales are a great time to buy the replacements and you don’t have 
    to spend hours detangling them next year! 


5. Check your smoke alarms regularly – Replace batteries if needed.

6. Don’t forget to close and lock all doors and windows if are leaving your
     house unattended. If you have an alarm please turn it on.


7. If you are leaving your house unoccupied over the Christmas holidays turn
    the water off
to avoid burst pipes as the weather may cause them to freeze. 


8. Don’t hang Christmas decorations from lights or heaters as they may burn.