Meet the man that brought Sheridan Insurances to life in 1964
When people ask ‘where do you work’? I answer ‘Sheridan Insurances’ with pride. There is a family culture here; it’s been here for years and I know that everyone can feel it. It started in 1964 with one man, Paddy Sheridan.
Paddy is our daily inspiration within the office. He has this incredible talent of making each of us feel important; he stops at our desks everyday to say hello and ask how we are. I hope Paddy won’t mind me feeling you that he is ninety this year, or as he would say himself ‘I’m in my ninety-first year!’. He coaches each of us to help us improve our work but I find listening to his life experiences incredibly valuable. These little nuggets of information are so important because you learn about how you should treat people – with integrity, respect and courtesy.
Here is a short video about our Paddy Sheridan. I hope you can see what we do, an incredible man that inspires you to be the best version of yourself.