Home burglaries are common on bank holiday weekends This post isn’t supposed to scare you, we just want to remind you to make smart decisions to deter burglars from your house. You might going on day trips or you may be spending the weekend away but we want to keep you safe. Here are my Read more…
Category: News
Home workout with Lee Chin – week 8 Friday

The final day of Lee Chins home workout I can’t believe this day is finally here. The last day of our home workouts. We really hope this workout plan give you a chance to exercise at home and hopefully save some money on gym membership and childminding. Feel free use this plan again if you Read more…
Home workout with Lee Chin – Week 8 Wednesday

Check our exercise plan and our Facebook competition As promise our Facebook competition went live today on our Sheridan Insurances page. We wanted to end the last week of Lee Chin’s home work on a positive note. We are giving away a €100 Me2You gift card to one lucky person. You still have time to Read more…
5 things to do if your car is stolen
Watch Colette’s short video This type of claim happens more than you think. I made a short video about the ‘5 things you need to do if your car is stolen’. It’s a very unsettling experience because in some cases it can be stolen at night, right outside a persons home. If you have kids you Read more…
Home workout with Lee Chin – week 8 Monday

It’s the last week of our home workouts We have one more week of Lee Chin’s home workouts. The eight weeks flew by! It’s another week of eight minutes circuits and today is not so bad. The weather isn’t great and it can be very hard to motivate yourself but once the home workout is over Read more…
Home workout with Lee Chin – Week 7 Friday

Let’s be honest, working out in this weather will be tough The heat is something we are not used to Ireland. Wasn’t yesterday lovely? I have been wearing gym legging all year but I think it’s definitely time to put on the gym shorts. Today is set to be a scorcher again so I thinking exercising in Read more…
5 Inexpensive Team Building Ideas that Work

5 Inexpensive Team Building Ideas that Work 1.The Lego Challenge. Provide each team with a starter pack of Lego. Give each team two weeks to construct the best object/scene. Give a prize for the most creative, structurally sound etc. This is great for interdepartmental morale and creativity. 2. Come Dine with me BBQ Read more…
Home workout with Lee Chin – Week 7 Wednesday

Hello Wednesday! Check our today’s exercises. By now you know the drill. Get the workout done and enjoy the rest of the day! I really hope you found our home workouts really beneficial and a great way to exercise in the house. It can be a great way to start or finish your day so Read more…
What to do if your car is robbed?

Colette tells us exactly what we need to do.. You wake up in the morning, eat your cornflakes and get the kids ready for school. Once the morning mayhem is under control, you open the door and your car is gone. Then the panic sets in because you realise your car has been stolen overnight. Read more…
How to Boost Mental Health in Your Workplace

How to Boost Mental Health in the Workplace A happy team is a productive team. Mental Health is on everyone’s radar these days. As a nation we tend to be more reactive than proactive when it comes to mental health. We’ve picked a few very basic steps to boosting mental health in the workforce. Read more…
Home workout Lee Chin – Week 7 Monday

Monday morning, ya can’t bate it with a stick I feel great right now because I have already done the HIIT session! Maybe it’s just me but I much prefer to exercise in the morning. Roll out of bed, still half asleep but I really burst through each exercise. I tried exercising at lunch time Read more…
Home workout with Lee Chin – Week 6 Friday

Morning! Let’s get this workout complete Week 6 and counting. We only have 2 more weeks left of Lee’s workout plan and we hope you have found it really helpful so far. It’s a beautiful day this morning and it’s also Friday! The first exercise on the eight minute circuit is burpees. It’s definitely an Read more…