Cars, Kelly Brook and more! Questions & Answers
We thought it would be a bit of craic to ask Kilkenny Hurler, Eoin Larkin a few
questions about his car and other ridiculous roadtrip questions before the All-
Ireland Senior Hurling Semi-Final this weekend. Breda in our Kilkenny office looks
after Eoin and his insurances so we had a good laugh asking him these questions.
What type of car do you drive?
Eoin: Volkswagen Passat
If you won the lotto tomorrow, what kind of car would you buy?
Eoin: Volkswagen Tourag, just always liked them.
Who would be your perfect passenger for a four hour roadtrip?
Eoin: Kelly Brook, just love her!
Where would be your perfect roadtrip?
Eoin: Australia along the coast.
You’re on the road to Croker for the Limerick match, and you spot T.J Ryan with a puncture. Do you:
- Stop and insist you help him change the tyre, even if you make the entire team late for warm up.
- Drive on your best and tweet a picture of him struggling with the tyre on the side of the road #Poorlimerick
- Let him sit beside you on the Kilkenny team bus.
Eoin: Drive on and tweet the pic ha ha!
If you were a car, what would you be?
Eoin: Mercedes. Good and strong and never let ya down.
We would like to thank Eoin for taking the time to answer our questions this week. If your insurance is up for renewal, you can get a super quick car quote right now!