Noeleen Tells Us About Her Experience If you didn’t already know, our office has moved from Wexford’s Main Street to our new location at The Arc, Drinagh. I can’t believe we are finally here! It’s been an emotional change for us here at Sheridans (now Gallagher) but we know it’s for the best. Our team Read more…
Author: agnes-admin
Beware of Frost
Do You Leave Your Car Unattended When Heating It Up? I don’t know about you but I am really feeling this cold weather and layering up every morning. While thinking about the cold and your morning rituals spare a thought for your morning journey and make sure you are prepared for these dangerous road Read more…
I Smell A Rat

A Rat Can Look For Shelter In Your Car With the recent cold weather all of the animals around us are feeling the cold too. Your cats and dogs are no doubt running inside at any given opportunity but that also means that mice and rats are looking for warm shelter too. Rats and mice Read more…
Get To Know Christine

Christine Is House Insurance Advisor I’m Christine, a qualified Insurance Advisor here at Sheridan Insurances. I started working in the Kilkenny office over eight years ago. In the beginning, I worked in reception while I studied for my insurance exams and for the last three years I look after my own clients and their insurances. I think my Read more…
Winter Is Coming
What You Need To Do Before The Bad Weather Arrives Excuse the headline, I’m a really big Game of Thrones fan and I couldn’t help myself! The cold weather is setting in and if you own a home or rent a house there are a few things you need to do. A lot of people Read more…
What To Do If Your House Was Burgled?
We Know Exactly How To Handle This Situation It really is one of the most awful calls I receive. When one of my clients calls me to say they have been the victim of a house burglary, my heart goes out to them. It’s very traumatic for the family because your house is very special and Read more…
Kids Are Going Back To School
5 Things I Really Love About Back To School It’s back to school season and I am really looking forward to having a few minutes of me time this week. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great Summer with my kids but there is something about this week that makes breathe a sigh of Read more…
Don’t Drive Tired
I Have Some Tips To Avoid Driver Fatigue Have you ever been driving along and had a sudden wave of tiredness come over you? It can be really hard to shake off! I find it is particularly difficult if you are in the car on your own and I often struggle when driving home from Read more…
Check On Your Elderly Neighbours
Don’t Forget Your Elderly Neighbours This Christmas It’s only a few days until Christmas and we are very excited to spend time with our friends and family. We can get so caught up in our own lives, worrying about presents, food and the kids. It could be great if we spend a little bit of time ensuring that our Read more…
‘What To Do’ Guide For Christmas Claims 2015
If You Suffer An Accident Or Damages Over Christmas, Colette Has A Quick ‘What To Do’ Guide…. If you suffer an accident or damages over Christmas, don’t panic. You can register a claim online here or call me when our offices re-open on Wednesday 30th December. Here are some key points to consider should you have an accident or Read more…
Think Home Security This Winter
Helpful Tips To Prevent Home Burglaries For those of you who have ever had your home broken into, I don’t need to explain how horrible the experience can be for a person or family . Someone rummaging through your belongings and tearing your home apart as they search for money and valuables can make you Read more…
Farm Specialist Carmel Talks Farm Safety
Farm Safety Is Very Close To My Heart Farm Safety is very close to my heart as I live on a busy dairy farm. Pat, my husband has been running the farm for over 25 years, taking over from his father who helped out on the farm into his late 80’s. Our son, John who Read more…