Watch Colette’s short video This type of claim happens more than you think. I made a short video about the ‘5 things you need to do if your car is stolen’. It’s a very unsettling experience because in some cases it can be stolen at night, right outside a persons home. If you have kids you Read more…
Author: agnes-admin
What to do if your car is robbed?

Colette tells us exactly what we need to do.. You wake up in the morning, eat your cornflakes and get the kids ready for school. Once the morning mayhem is under control, you open the door and your car is gone. Then the panic sets in because you realise your car has been stolen overnight. Read more…
How to Boost Mental Health in Your Workplace

How to Boost Mental Health in the Workplace A happy team is a productive team. Mental Health is on everyone’s radar these days. As a nation we tend to be more reactive than proactive when it comes to mental health. We’ve picked a few very basic steps to boosting mental health in the workforce. Read more…
How to avoid a car burglary

You won’t believe the most common theft locations I am the claims advisor for Sheridan Insurances and I see car burglaries and car thefts on a regular basis. Some of the information i’m going to share with is common sense but I think you will be shocked at some of the things thieves will do to Read more…
Home workout with Lee Chin – Wednesday Week 4

Your Wednesday Workout has arrived! Wednesday is here and you are half way through your working week. Wednesdays workout has been increased to 7 minutes per circuit but the exercises don’t look too bad to be honest. Tricep dips and jack knives are on the menu today and I am just so thrilled there are no commandos. Read more…
When should I replace my car tyres?

This is a really important video to watch This week Aoife in our Wexford office decided to get two new tyres for her car. She was driving from Wexford to Donegal for the bank holiday weekend and wanted to be sure her tyres were in good shape. Aoife is a bit of a worrier at Read more…
Home Workout With Lee Chin – Wednesday Week 2

Hump day workout is ready to download! Working out at home is the dream as long as you have the motivation to do it. The weather is improving and a hiit workout can definitely be done outdoors. I’m sure you guys have planned trips away in Ireland or abroad this year. This is this is Read more…
Car Drug Driving – What Are The Penalties

Gardaí are now test car drivers and motorists for drugs on the roadside It’s finally here. This new roadside test for drugs will allow An Garda Síochána to tackle the issue of drug driving. There will be 86 drug screening devices located in Garda stations nationally and 50 more available for use at the roadside. Over time up Read more…
Make Car Journeys With Kids Easier

Driving in the car with kids? Here’s our top tips Driving used to be a time of relaxation, a time to listen to music and enjoy the views. Now it is a military operation to just get every one into the car. I now listen to the Frozen soundtrack in between the shouting, fighting and Read more…
Car & Van Tyres – What You Need To Know

Many of us rely heavily on our cars & vans to manage our daily tasks. I for one would be lost without mine and feel so stranded any time it goes to the garage for a service. We all know it is important to get your car serviced regularly but it is also important to Read more…
How to Feel Great in 8 by the June Bank Holiday Weekend

Join us on the 9th April to follow our FREE “Feel Great in 8 Challenge” with Lee Chin With Summer fast approaching here at Sheridan HQ we decided we needed a little kick start to find our new happier, healthier us. We have enlisted the help of well known GAA Star Lee Chin to Read more…
Van Insurance With A Difference

Meet Nichola & Pam from our van insurance team These two are no ordinary insurance advisors. Pamela and Nikki have worked in insurance for years and finding the right van insurance for their customers is their priority. This year we are seeing more vans on the road which is a great sign for the economy. Read more…